“Food Safety” is not just an initiative to us – it is rather a way of life.“Food Safety” being the fundamental of our philosophy we work to ensure sourcing, processing, packaging and selling the food to the customers that are safe and fit for human consumption. “Safe Food” is the only way to a healthy living. Food adulteration worldwide is considered as the silent killer.The cause of maximum death in the world is Food. First-ever estimates, developed by WHO’s Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG) WHO in December 2015, highlight the magnitude of this global problem.The economic costs associated with foodborne diseases are much higher than the prices of Safe Food.
Foodborne disease globally is still not under control and outbreaks can cause health and economic losses. The causes are unhygienic practices in food production, harvesting, preparation, and last but not least unhealthy food habit. It is very important to be aware of this and encourage them to grow healthy food habits.
Consumers today are increasingly requiring authentic food products. We believe it is not sufficient just to tell consumers to be careful rather we recognize the problem and address it in multiple dimensions such as finding trusted supply chain partners, avoiding using middlemen or brokers, strictly supervising the processing of the food, maintaining the highest ethical standard of hygiene and use environment-friendly biodegradable packaging and so on.
We ensure food safety from farms to table

We at Shondhi use conventional and natural methods to process and preserve our products. Our products are absolutely harmful chemical-free and no preservatives are used.
Always Fresh
Proper storage, sanitary tools and hygienic work spaces, heating and cooling properly and to adequate temperatures, and avoiding contact with other uncooked foods greatly reduce the chances of contamination in our products.

100% Safe Food
Our packaging ensures that food reaches the consumer in peak condition, preserving the integrity, safety, and quality of food products. It helps maximize the shelf life of the product besides carrying important information on the label, while our ECO-Friendly Packaging is contributing to the environment. Bar codes on our packaging containing the date and the location of manufacture enable processors, transporters, and retailers to keep track of products for both inventory control and identification of potential hazards
No Additives
Tightly sealed water and air proof containers are good measures to limit the chances of both physical and biological contamination during storing of our products.